Well, this is the 3rd tme we have offered students the opportunity to take the full class or just the first 2 days all at a reduced rate and it looks like it may be a permanent item!
This class to be held on 28, 29 and 30 October in Moriarity, NM. It includes a night shoot. Follow the link below the Personal Defense Handgun III class for more details! No pre-requisites or experience required.
Logistics of this class once again works out well for us so here is the discount plan:
Buy online or send cashiers check or money order to be received no later than 24 October and get $250 off! Enter Coupon Code "419NM" to receive this huge discount online or write it on your money order.
No more discounts after 24 October!
Also, once again, if you want to get your feet wet but not quite ready to commit to a full 3 days and 1 night, we will allow you to take the first 2 days for $395! If you decide to take the remainder of the class and get in on the night shoot and the fast moving action of the 3rd day, it will be offered to you for an additional $395. That's still a $160 discount! This a great offer to get a spouse or friend started out with some professional training!
See coupon code below for HUGE discount!
** See details for PDH II HERE -- Do not sign up for the NM class on that page!
** See details for PDH III HERE -- Do not sign up for the NM class on that page!
Sign up for the full PDH III - NM class HERE
(Use Coupon Code 419NM for a $250 discount until 24 October)
Sign up for PDH II - NM HERE
(This is the first 2 days of PDH III only. Use Coupon Code NMGO2 until 24 October. If you elect to complete the 3-day class, we will take care of that on the range at the end of the 2nd day)
After you sign up, you will receive a welcome packet with additional forms, ammo and gear requirements, lodging suggestions and directions to the range.